Microgreens are young vegetable greens that are approximately 1–4 inches tall. They have an aromatic flavor and concentrated nutrient content and come in a variety of colors and textures. Microgreens are considered baby plants, falling somewhere between a sprout and baby green, and are typically harvested after only 7-14 days of growth.

Microgreens have on average 5 times the level of vitamins than their mature plant counterpart.
Our sprouts & microgreens are locally grown in Baltimore County, MD using all organic products! They are great to put in/on salads, soups, steak, sandwiches, blended heath drinks, and even pizza!

High in Nutrients
Contain 4-40 times more nutrients by weight than their fully-grown counterparts. (source: NCBI)
Contain Polyphenols
Prevent the buildup of harmful free radicals. Associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer & Alzheimer’s disease (source: NCBI). Contain wider variety of polyphenols than their mature vegetable counterparts (source: NCBI).
Improve Heart Health
Animal studies have shown microgreens may help reduce heart disease risk factors, such as weigh, bad LDL cholesterol & triglycerides (source: FASEB).
Reduce Chronic Disease Rick
Veggie consumption is associated with lower risk of certain cancers, inflammation, heart disease, diabetes & obesity (source: NCBI).
Grown Year Round
Because microgreens can be grown indoors, there’s no need to wait for warm weather to roll around in order to break out the gardening gloves!